‣ Automating Software Installation on windows

Chocolatey Software | Chocolatey - The package manager for Windows

Written By: Ahsan Ahmed

Chocolatey is a great software installation management tool by which any open source software can be installed. It saves you time and extra headache for searching and downloading the software files. It’s mostly free, simple and time consuming. Chocolatey installs the software silently. 

Requirement: the minimum operating system support is Windows 7+/Windows 2003+. It also requires PowerShell v2+ and .NET Framework 4+ to be installed in PC. 

Installing Chocolatey:

1. Go to Windows and search for “Windows PowerShell”

2. Click on “Run as Administrator”   

3. Once PowerShell is opened as administrator, install the “chocolatey” by pasting below and click enter to run the command:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))

  • Or If using command prompt (cmd) as administrator, paste the following and click enter

@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "[System.Net.WebRequest]::DefaultWebProxy.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultCredentials; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))" && SET PATH="%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin"

4. Paste the following and enter for installing all essential base tools at once (if needed)

choco install -y --allow-empty-checksums 7zip winrar ccleaner evernote notepadplusplus fileoptimizer curl wget bind-toolsonly winscp malwarebytes paint.net windirstat

  • Paste the following and enter for installing all essential dev tools at once (if needed) 

choco install -y --allow-empty-checksums git fiddler vagrant visualstudiocode mls-software-openssh

choco install -y --allow-empty-checksums launchy slack pgadmin3 mysql.workbench  vmwareworkstation

5. Paste any of the command (e.g: choco install adobereader) and enter to install any particular application 

Adobe readerchoco install adobereader 
Google Chrome (Browser)choco install googlechrome 
Google Chrome 64 bit (Browser)choco install google-chrome-x64 
Firefox (Browser) Internet explorer (Browser)choco install firefox choco install ie11 
Skype (communication)choco install skype 
PDF Creatorchoco install pdfcreator 
Dropbox (storage) choco install dropbox 
Opera (Browser)choco install opera 
Zoom (Virtual meeting) choco install zoom 
Bluejean (Virtual meeting)choco install bluejeansapp 
Spotify (music)choco install spotify 
Slack (communication) choco install slack 
WhatsApp(communication) choco install whatsapp 
Earth Viewchoco install googleearthpro 
Teamviewer hostchoco install teamviewer.host 
Telegram choco install telegram 
Anti-virus (AVAST) choco install avastfreeantivirus
Anti-virus (AVG) choco install avgantivirusfree
Anti-virus (Avira) choco install avirafreeantivirus 
Kindle (Book reader)choco install kindle 
CC Cleanerchoco install ccleaner 
Avidemuxchoco install avidemux 
Camtasiachoco install Camtasia 
AOMEI backupperchoco install backupper-standard 
Screen recodingchoco install screenpresso 
Screen recodingchoco install snagit 
Internet explorer (Browser)choco install ie11 
mRemoteNGchoco install mremoteng 
OpenVPNchoco install openvpn 
NordVPN choco install nordvpn 
ForticlientVPNchoco install forticlientvpn 
Wireshark (network monitoring) choco install wireshark
Virtualbox choco install virtualbox 
Notepad++choco install notepadplusplus 
Puttychoco install putty.install 
SQL server management studiochoco install sql-server-management-studio
Irfan viewchoco install irfanview 
PowerShellchoco install powershell-core 
Windows Terminal (cmd)choco install microsoft-windows-terminal 
NMPA (Network monitoring) choco install nmap 
Dockerchoco install docker-machine 
Veeam endpoint backupchoco install veeam-endpoint-backup-free 
IP scannerchoco install angryip 
NetBeanschoco install netbeans 

For more info or software, visit: https://chocolatey.org/packages

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